Accessibility at CMC
We value inclusion. We value empathy. We value you. 我们正在开发一些资源,以帮助每个人在CMC感到更受欢迎.
Quiet Zones
如果您在旅行期间从安静区借用设备,则整个建筑物都设有安静区, 谢谢您在离开前将车票归还到原处或任何售票处. Used fidgets are yours to keep! Quiet zones are located at:
- Public Safety (Rotunda – Shared Space)
Equipped with a Minky-covered 5 lb. weighted blanket, noise reducing earmuffs, various fidgets, a liquid motion timer, adjustable lighting, child sized egg chairs, a couch and first aid supplies. Medication, 需要冷藏的牛奶和所需食品可根据需要存放在公共安全安静区的冰箱中. - 喷泉画廊护理室(夹层-包间)
Equipped with a Minky-covered 5 lb. weighted blanket, noise reducing earmuffs, various fidgets, a comfortable chair, small table, infant changing table and sink. - Nursing Room on The Avenue (Lower Level – Private Room)
Equipped with a Minky-covered 5 lb. weighted blanket, noise reducing earmuffs, various fidgets, a comfortable chair, small table, infant changing table and sink. - 家长资源室(儿童博物馆小豆芽农场内-私人)
配有一张沙发,两把舒适的摇椅,两把儿童大小的鸡蛋椅和书籍. Minky-covered 5 lb. 加重毛毯,护目镜和耳罩可根据要求提供.
Additionally, all Ticket Booths 是否配备了可根据要求提供的护目镜和耳罩.
无障碍洗手间遍布联合航站楼. Each restroom has the following amenities.
- Infant changing tables in every restroom
- Trash bins in all accessible stalls
- Manual flush toilets and paper towel dispensers. A few restrooms do have air hand dryers.
Universal, single-stall restrooms are located in the Concourse, 在夹层和自然历史博物馆附近的下层 & Science.
Adult changing tables (holding up to 400 lb.) are located in universal restrooms in the Concourse, 在夹层和自然历史博物馆附近的下层 & Science. 员工和访客可以使用符合他们最认同的性别的洗手间.
POMPEII: The Exhibition
- 售票亭配备了防抖器和减少噪音的耳罩, which are available upon request.
- 整个展览被设置为低水平的灯光,聚光灯照在箱子和展品上.
- 展览中确实包含了贯穿整个体验的环境声音.
- 长椅放置在整个展览中,提供额外的座位.
- 有一个小斜坡进入Triclinium的房子,也有一个小斜坡出来.
- 4D喷发剧院声音很大,地板隆隆作响,灯光闪烁,而且没有座位. 因为这对一些人来说可能是压倒性的,剧院是可选的,可以跳过. 可网上赌搏网站十大排行的工具,如减少噪音的耳罩和烦躁,可以根据要求提供.
- Exhibit text is offered in English and Spanish.
- POMPEII: The Exhibition 有免费的音频导览,可以通过展品内的QR码网上赌搏网站十大排行. 这个音频指南也为那些不能或没有兴趣听音频指南的人提供了文本.
OMNIMAX® Theater
我们身临其境的五层圆顶剧院将客人带到他们只能想象的地方. 我们不希望任何人被排除在这些经历之外!
- 无障碍,轮椅座位提供在OMNIMAX的顶部® dome. OMINMAX® staff are happy to assist guests up the elevator.
- 对于那些容易晕车的人,建议坐在影院的前两排.
- As the OMNIMAX® 对于一些人来说,这个剧院可能会很吵,让人无法忍受,现在它配备了耳罩、护目镜和一个5磅重. weighted lap blanket. Tools are available upon request.
- OMNIMAX® 电影提供描述性音频、封闭字幕和辅助听力. Tools are available upon request.
Mobility Amenities
- Additional seating throughout the museums
- Elevators
- Push button controls on Museum doors
- 轮椅及电子便利车(ecv)可先到先租, first-served basis from the box office. Wheelchairs are $5. ECVs are $25. 租客必须年满18岁,并签署《网上赌搏网站十大排行》. 在轮椅或ECV归还之前,售票处将持有驾驶执照或信用卡.
Visual Amenities
- Bronze, tactile statutes in the Dinosaur Hall, The Cave plaza, Ice Age and Cincinnati in Motion galleries
- Braille in the Dinosaur Hall exhibit.
- 整个博物馆都没有触摸“按钮”来激活光、声音和运动.
- The following OMNIMAX® 电影为视障人士提供描述性的音频;
- Secrets of the Sea
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Amenities
- 展览音频的脚本版本可根据要求提供(见票房)
- 聋人日至少每举办一次特色展览
- 请向售票处询问有关为聋哑人和重听人提供的助听器的情况® films.
- Secrets of the Sea 提供封闭字幕和辅助听力的听力困难.
Service Animals
受过训练的服务性动物被允许在辛辛那提博物馆中心为残疾人执行任务或提供帮助. 服务型动物应该一直拴着皮带或系着马具,并在主人的控制下. 根据《十大赌博平台排行榜》,我们只允许服务犬和迷你马进入.
For more information, please view the ADA's Service Animal Requirements and the ADA's Service Animal FAQ.
Additional Information
- Caregivers, 谁是为照顾残疾人士而参观博物馆的, will be able to receive a free, complementary Museum Admission ticket. 看护者需要到售票处领取门票. 提醒一下,看护者补偿票只适用于博物馆门票. Caregivers will need to pay to visit OMNIMAX® and Featured Exhibits.
- 作为我们所有博物馆计划的一部分,持有有效的食品援助SNAP或医疗补助卡和带照片的身份证件的客人将获得免费停车和每人2美元的博物馆入场券,最多可容纳10位客人. Eligible recipients can also receive $2/person Holocaust & Humanity Center tickets, $2 假日枢纽以杜克能源假日列车为特色 tickets and $12/person POMPEII: The Exhibition tickets. Valid cards from all 50 U.S. states will be accepted. Cards must be presented at Box Office. Museums for All tickets cannot be purchased online.
- 在没有电梯的餐厅里也可以购买食物和饮料:滋养513. 现场餐厅不含花生,并提供营养和过敏信息. Food and drinks are not allowed inside the museums.
“到目前为止,这是该市最好的残疾人无障碍建筑. I am always able to enjoy everything with my family. Thank you!"
Accessibility Questions
你对CMC的无障碍有什么问题或意见吗? Please contact us at
Additional Information
- Accessibility and Sensory Maps
- POMPEII: The Exhibition Accessibility and Sensory Map
- Accessibility Amenities in Museum of Natural History & Science
- Accessibility Amenities in Cincinnati History Museum
- Accessibility Amenities in the Children’s Museum
- OMNIMAX® and Featured Exhibits Accessibility Amenities
- Food, Beverage and Additional Accessibility Amenities
- Quiet Zones & Restrooms Accessibility Amenities