Group Sales
Ready to give your group an unforgettable experience?
Bring your group to CMC for a day of fun. Book your group visit today!
Please note, 我们认为15人以上的付费游客团体至少要提前两周预订.
Please note the following SOLD OUT group dates:
- Monday, April 22
- Thursday, April 25
- Friday, April 26
- Monday, April 29
- Thursday, May 2
- Friday, May 3
- Monday, May 6
- Thursday, May 9
- Friday, May 10
- Monday, May 13
- Thursday, May 16
- Friday, May 17
- Monday, May 20
Plan your group visit
Cincinnati History Museum
回到过去,体验我们城市的历史, 从我们最早的定居者到今天积极塑造皇后城的人. 一路上,你还会遇到穿着服装的口译员,以便更好地理解和联系历史. Explore a recreation of the bustling Public Landing 从19世纪50年代末开始,登上西部女王号,这是一艘复制的侧轮蒸汽船. 从20世纪初到40年代的辛辛那提鸟瞰图 in Cincinnati in Motion这是一个1/64比例的城市复制品,配有美国最大的s级火车模型.
DISCOVER MOREThe Children’s Museum
在我们的八个教育和主题游乐区中,为所有年龄段的孩子发现动手的乐趣, 包括两个专门为学龄前儿童和更小的孩子设计的. 我们鼓励孩子们爬、爬、探索、了解自己和周围的世界. Go on a wilderness adventure through The Woods, be a part of a complex machine in the Energy Zone and explore the neighborhood in Kids’ Town. 每年有超过1800小时的节目,深入艺术、文化、阅读、科学等领域.
Field Trips may be scheduled Thursdays through Mondays.
DISCOVER MOREMuseum of Natural History & Science
The Museum of Natural History & 辛辛那提博物馆中心的科学提供了一个科学的世界, 通过互动展览和令人惊叹的文物,了解历史和自然. 客人可以通过创造性思维和解决问题的能力达到自己的“啊哈”时刻. 自然历史博物馆适合所有年龄段的人,总有更多的东西值得探索 & Science.
DISCOVER MORENancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center
Located at Cincinnati’s historic Union Terminal, 这里是许多大屠杀幸存者抵达辛辛那提重建生活的地方, 博物馆通过与当地的联系来审视这一分水岭时刻. Using innovative storytelling, interactive experiences and genuine artifacts, 游客们在人类历史上最黑暗的篇章之一的背景下见证了人类精神的力量和勇气. The museum incorporates media, artifacts, 艺术和互动展览,分享这段历史及其教训. 它还包括人文画廊,游客可以在这里探索时刻, 与那些激发了他们性格优势的人会面,成为强者,为我们的社区和世界带来改变.
DISCOVER MOREThe Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater
The Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater takes you to places you can only imagine. 在我们的五层圆顶剧院沉浸在史诗般的冒险中, from the untamed beauty of our natural parks, to the red surface of Mars, to the deep blue sea alongside humpback whales.
Custom films are available at 9 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. 其他时段以公开放映时间表为准. 以下影片可在自订时段播放:
- Ancient Caves
- Into America’s Wild
- Dinosaurs of Antarctica
- Backyard Wilderness
- Great Bear Rainforest
- National Parks Adventure
- Jane Goodall – Reasons for Hope
- Secrets of the Sea
- Serengeti: Journey to the Heart of Africa
- Superpower Dogs
- Volcanoes: Fires of Creation
POMPEII: The Exhibition
On August 24, 79 A.D.在美国,庞贝城因维苏威火山的灾难性喷发而被冻结. But what nature destroyed, it also preserved. Through 150 artifacts, POMPEII: The Exhibition 讲述了一座被遗忘了几个世纪的城市的故事.
In a media-rich, object-based immersive experience, 发现繁华的商业港口和战略军事和贸易中心庞贝. 正宗的庞贝文物重现了这个世界的感觉,当你发现它的人是如何生活的, loved, worked, 在罗马帝国鼎盛时期进行崇拜和娱乐.
- 团体折扣适用于15人或以上的团体,在参观日期前至少两周提前预订,并以同一联系人和一种付款方式预订. Toddlers ages 1 & 2人不包括在至少15人之内,需提前预订才能享受团体价格. 对于老年生活提供者,团体必须有10名或更多的付费客人.
- In order to maintain social distancing, 团体预订将被分成60人或更少的小组,并将在不同的时间进入体验.
- 团体必须遵守所有辛辛那提博物馆中心的规章制度. 有关如何为您的网上赌搏网站十大排行做准备的信息可以在这里找到 here.
- 辛辛那提博物馆中心周四至周一上午10点开放.m. to 5 p.m.
- All groups are required to make a reservation.
- 午餐桌必须提前预订,不能在参观当天添加到预订中. The cost for lunch tables is $0.50 per person. 未提前预定午餐桌的团体不允许参加CMC的每次午餐.
- 寻求实地考察资助的团体必须拨打(513)287-7021. 使用在线实地考察申请表不能接受拨款申请.
- 请至少提前一周以信用卡、支票或订单付款. 在48小时内取消预订可能会导致特权或奖励资格被暂停,未到场者须支付100%的预订费用.
Featured Exhibits and Tours
Maya: The Exhibition
March 14 – January 3, 2021
At its height in 600 A.D., the Maya civilization was the greatest in the world. 探索这个“失落”的文明如何在今天重新焕发活力.
Apollo 11: First Steps Edition
庆祝历史性的阿波罗11号任务50周年,激动人心的细节 Apollo 11: First Steps Edition. 由一个新发现的从未见过的70毫米镜头和超过11,000 hours of uncatalogued audio recordings, Apollo 11: First Steps Edition 让你置身于NASA历史性登月的中心.
Superpower Dogs
Superpower Dogs 展示了一些世界上最神奇的狗的救生超能力和非凡的勇气.
Cincinnati Walking Tours
通过我们新的徒步旅行,探索这座城市充满活力的复兴和丰富的文化. These 2-hour walking tours through our beautiful city, offered April through October, 将涵盖各种兴趣和吸引个人, families and groups. 安排私人团体旅游,请致电(513)287-7021或发送电子邮件
Minimum of 20 guests at $20.需要提前一个月预订. Date and time is scheduled on a docent available basis.
Book your group visit today!
Request a visit online or call (513) 287-7021.
Museum Hours
Open Thursday – Monday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Tuesday and Wednesday
Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day
Member’s-only early entry: Saturdays at 9 a.m.
Customer Service Hours:
Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.